May 23Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

As an 82 yr old elderly woman who still struggles with her now ‘aging’ flabby body. - does it ever end? You, your lovely daughter and exceptional followers so inspire me to embrace what works and appreciate the journey. Wishing every one of you knowledge that the earlier you embrace these areas of your journey, the better you will navigate the future.

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Thank you for your beautifully honest sentiment - “does it ever end?” Thank you for the encouragement to do all we can to take back our power from the trap of diet culture that conditions us to shame our good bodies until our last breath. Today I celebrate your good body for holding you up, sheltering your heart, and protecting your mind to this glorious age of 82! My hand in yours, dear Linda.

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May 26Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

Dear Linda, Thank you for saying that the earlier you embrace these areas of your journey, the better you will navigate the future! It is never to late to fully love and accept ourselves, that is the gift of the present moment and living mindfully 🧡

Hugs to you!!!!

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May 23Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

Rachel, I know you know we share this struggle- forever a work in progress. This morning I looked at myself in the mirror, after forcing myself to not worry about choosing clothes for a day that I am really just running around doing errands, and told myself- you’re okay! It’s okay! Close to recognizing myself as good and I’ll take it!!!! Thanks for leading us- my hand in yours. PS- Natalie’s Birthday is going to be the best day ever!!! And Lindy’s favorite is cookie cake too! They’re so much alike!

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Carrie, from the moment we met, I detected that I could trust you with this area of struggle. Not only have you understood things that other people can't over the years, but you have also celebrated the small steps of progress I have made toward having a healthier relationship with food and my body. Again and again, you save me, Carrie.

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May 23Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

So grateful to be on this journey with you- and one thing I wanted to highlight from your essay is- how COOL it is that we continue to get to learn from our kids! Natalie has been doing it for so long, but we will continue to learn from them for years to come- it makes me so excited about our futures!!

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I couldn't agree more, Carrie. Both of us our open to the teachings of our children and have a willingness to learn better, healthier, more intuitive ways. I celebrate us!!!

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May 23Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

Would you be willing to share the seven affirmations? I recognize do much of myself in your story.

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In next week’s post, there will be a copy of the affirmations Natalie gifted me, as well as seven more I have developed and come to rely on. They will be in written form to print out, and I will also record myself reading them so they can be listened to all summer long. Most of my essays in Substack are free, but I'd planned that series for paid subscribers. I can comp that essay for you if needed. Just email me next week. Writing is my livelihood and at this moment in time, my family really needs my contribution. Thank you. ❤️

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May 23Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

this is so incredibly beautiful...as are all your writings. brought tears to my eyes to see how wonderfully you have raised these girls even when you thought you weren't. it gives me the reassurance that i did the same with my son and grand daughters, even when i felt i was failing. than you for all you do!

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This touched me beyond words. Thank you

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May 23Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

Lovely story of a lovely daughter that your body ( and efforts) made including the thrown pot. I wonder what her story of that event would be…

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Oh, Caroline, I love this curiosity. I had planned to print out a copy of the essay and give it Natalie when she returns from college next week. Perhaps I can ask her beforehand what she remembers about that incident and hold space for for whatever feelings and thoughts she has. Thank you so much for helping me & our entire community grow and evolve by posing this thought.

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May 24Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

What a beautiful soul your daughter is! How wonderful to be loved like that! Thank you for sharing❤️

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I appreciate your kindness

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May 24Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

Beautiful story. Love to you and your daughter! We learn so much from each other!🩷

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May 23Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

This post is a beautiful reminder of what we share (knowingly or not) & what our children can teach us along the way during our lifetime journey of parenting ❤️

Happy (almost) Birthday to your Natalie on June 21st and wishing her and her Mom all the best on her next triathlon!

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Thank you, dear Kerry!

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May 23Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

I never realized before that we are exactly the same age. No wonder we've connected so well. My body is strong and healthy ..... this is what I say now when I am feeling uncomfortable in my skin. I didn't used to be that kind.

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I love all the connections we share, my friend!!

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You two are such a delight and the photograph mirrors it so beautifully 🧡. I wonder why I fall into the trap of not looking well after myself again and again. Menopause does probably not help either to get better at it right now. But I gain hope from reading your story and the fact, how well Natalie knows to put self-care first at her young age. I wish both of you a memorable triathlon birthday full of power, laughter, love, and cookie cake indulgence 💝.

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This is a truly heartfelt message to receive. I feel your love and appreciation. It feels good to share a tender, vulnerable story like this and be met with such compassion. Thank you for taking time to write this note.

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May 25Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

Rachel, you have so evidently shared both your inner and outer beauty with your daughters. What a wonderful essay about the two of you! Your vulnerability and honesty are a gift to us all. I thought of you and this essay as I attended my first grad party of the weekend. I decided to be kind to myself and my body by enjoying my hamburger on a bun (it's just not as good eaten with a fork right?!) and deciding I wanted that sugar cookie after all-it was delicious as everyone was saying! And this morning, rather than diving right into cleaning my messy home, I slept in, read a couple of chapters in my current book, and have spent a bit of time here on my computer. Now I feel ready to tackle my house, before I have 2 more parties to attend :)

Thank you for reminding us to be kind to our outer AND inner selves!

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Oh Megan, I can’t tell you how happy I am that my writing encouraged you to listen to your good body in what sounded good to eat and how to spend your morning. I’m really glad you doing pass up that sugar cookie!!! It sounds like a really good one!

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Jun 2Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

“ I let someone in… and that gave me a lifeline to healing.” Sharing our scars stitches us closer together in a tapestry of being seen, you taught me that love ❤️. Our children are truly our greatest adventure. I love how Natalie spoke love into your gooiest center and gave you words to help you find a way to the other side where we can celebrate our sweet bodies and hold ourselves worthy of our own tender loving care.

Letting others in to our messy, middle is not easy but when we are witnessed there is a With ness❤️and we no longer feel alone or isolated. We have a hand to hold. We have kind eyes that in-courage us on, we are held gently and given mercy and grace.

This Humaning is hard and how beautiful you showed a tender slice to your girl and she responded with compassionate words to care for yourself Rachel, Natalie saw you. Your Big Brave choice to show yourself started a wave of love from your girlie. She saw you as human love ❤️ struggling as we all do especially with our bodies. Then you shared those gift of words with us because the uncomfortable ness in our skin is something we all understand. My body needs kind tending, gobs of grace, movement and mercy so I can behold its beauty. Sometimes this is needed just once a day when I rise and sometimes it’s needed hourly, however much it needs, my body is worthy of my own gentle, extravagant care and so is yours.

We the holders of stories and sharings and bearing witness to others sorrows and heartbreak need to hold ourselves with great care, we the women who don’t simply observe but sit with someone in their hardest of hards have incredible capacity that calls out for us to spill compassion all over our sweet selves. Because we the caretakers are worthy of being taken care of body and soul. Seeing ourselves worthy whether we fit into a particular pair of shorts, or ate double desserts or simply don’t feel good in our skin is the way we show we are deserving of delighting in this darling being we are, always.

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As always, thank you for this nourishing reflection. You are an encourager of the most genuine kind, dear Debby. Love you so much

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Hugs love as we learn to speak love all over ourselves.

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Jun 1Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

Thank you for sharing your vulnerability with our community. It was the reminder I needed to share my struggles with my family more often. I keep your encouraging soul building mantras in my heart each day.

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I appreciate this so much, Missy.

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May 31Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

This is a very inspiring piece of writing. Thank you for your honesty in sharing your struggles and how you were able to overcome them. You are stronger than you think. You brought a beautiful spirit into the world, and you were emotionally intelligent to recognize it and accept the guidance. You have shown us that we can learn from the little people in our lives. Thank you for sharing.

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Thank you for this loving affirmation, Linda.

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May 30Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

"Sometimes I forget... I have feelings, needs, limits.. and that is when I break down." Yes to all of that. I have been there. I'm getting better at not forgetting but its constant work. Thank you for reminding me!

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I am grateful to know that line resonated with you too!!!

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May 28Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

Oh Rachel, every time. Every time I read your words, they are a precious gift. Tears started rolling down my face, while reading the paragraph that a hand paused mid stroke to wave. I notice so many similarities between my boys and your girls...and ohhh Seb is so perceptive, and he catches the most minute and tiniest details of me. Onwards, with these hopes, these intentions, and these tiny steps...shifting towards loving ourselves, caring for ourselves, and becoming healthier. So beautiful and encouraging, the ways they are learning, growing, and becoming. I'm still more in the thick of it...yet your words give me hope, things will turn out okay, as sometimes we're caught in the throes of teen emotions. Though more I'd like to reflect, polish, and say...it's already 11:35pm, and I've struggled dreadfully with getting enough sleep this week. For now, to bed. Cannot wait to join you next week on zoom. Sending love and hugs <3

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Thank you, dear one. I feel such solidarity when I read your words. I look forward to seeing you in the treehouse tomorrow! Grateful.

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