Feb 16Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

I am so glad that you shared your vulnerability around the Kripalu retreat Rachel. As someone else commented, it was what I needed to hear too! I was excited when I first heard about your retreat, but then proceeded to let all of the other "voices" take over. But I'm happy to report that after reading your post this morning, instead of feeling that I can't afford it and can't leave my caregiving responsibilities I am choosing to trust that the retreat is exactly what I need to do for myself right now and I CAN do it. I just signed up! (And I can't wait to meet you in person!!)

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Ok I’m seriously crying with joy right now. If you were in front of me, I’d hug you!! Please imagine me hugging you in my mind for now… but in April it will be real. Thank you for trusting yourself and taking my hand. I am so excited about what’s to come.

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I feel your joy and warmth Rachel and am also super excited about what's to come!! Thank you for all that you offer!

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Feb 16Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

Hi Rachel, As usual, your ability to be “real” astounds me and touches my soul. Thank you for the gifts you bring to my life 😊 (And FYI, I am so interested in all of your events and Treehouse gatherings, but I happen to have a conflicting schedule —plus I often work Sundays and live on the west coast. I know I will work something out to join you eventually and appreciate all of the opportunities.)

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Thank you for taking time to let me know this. You have put my heart at ease and reminded me there are soooo many reasons people may not be able to participate in an offering - and it’s not bc I’m doing something “wrong” - [exhale] 😮‍💨❤️ grateful for you

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Feb 16Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

This is going to be a life changing experience! I cannot wait to meet the people, make the shift, do the art!

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And the Carrie Effect will be there in all her glory. And that makes the experience priceless.

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So grateful for the opportunity! Just LOVE the connection it brings!

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Feb 16Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

As a New Englander who has been following your work for years, I was so excited to learn that you were holding a retreat at Kripalu. It just so happens to conflict with family travel I have planned, which I was sad to learn. I am looking into the NC retreat.

More importantly, I have been dealing with a strong scarcity mindset recently and your post has come at just the right time. As always, I appreciate your openness. It was also helpful to read exactly how you walked yourself through changing your mindset.

Thank you for the reminder that doing more is not the answer.

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Thank you for taking time to share with me that you would have really liked to come if the timing worked out! That makes me so happy. You are one of those names that when I see it, I instantly relax because you are always so kind to me. I also am thrilled to know that the topic of my post met you in the place that you are right now and felt like support. This is why I write and you have encouraged me immensely today!!!

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Feb 16Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

Rachel, I just LOVE what you share here, vulnerable, powerful and reassuring. There are so many ways this post resonates with me--it is what I need to hear right now, for myself, and as inspiration for me sharing the message I am here to share. I love how you used your own process and tools for yourself, too. Keep sharing and shifting and I am sure you will attract the ideal group for your retreat. All this and art therapy, too...very interesting what you shared here, I did some art therapy two years ago and it was profound. Love how you shifted your focus from the registration (and the money you would receive) to the offering....a major prosperity shift, and a great reminder for all of us. Lucky you, lucky participants: Kripalu is one of my favorite places...much transformation and healing took place for me there (and continues to, for countless others). Thank you and onward shift!

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Oh Ellen! I can’t thank you enough for chiming in. As soon as I hit publish I started feeling like I shared too much. Vulnerability will do that! 😆 And then here you are extending your hand reminding me that this is the true connection I want in my life. Your elaborated a few things for me - like what you said about focusing on the offering. I’m tucking that away. I love the term “prosperity shift” 💗. And thank you for sharing encouraging words about Kripalu! Just knowing you have been there before me brings me comfort in ways I can’t explain. Connecting with you here in substack has been a tremendous gift to me.

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Feb 16·edited Feb 16Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

Now you are making MY day! Yeah, I know what you mean about "vulnerability afterburn" and sharing experiences related to money can seem particularly vulnerable since this is something we are trained to be private and secretive about. I am a prosperity coach (among other things in my beyond the box world) and that IS a big shift, I remind myself and clients to take the focus off ourselves and what we are receiving (of course it matters, but when we are in scarcity this works like magic) to what we are offering, to what others will receive from our work and our energy. Okay, now I know what my next post is going to be about, woo-hoo.

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I can’t wait to read more! You are so generous in sharing this profound wisdom with us! It’s life changing.

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Oh I love this! What we are offering and what others can receive from it! Wow! Wow! Wow!!!

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so glad. This is how we can shift our state from lack to abundance, and shift the climate of business to be more caring and loving....staying focused on giving, not on getting. This is business in the Aquarian age, with care as the new current-see.

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I had a thought this morning about this thread. What if when we are giving it isn't just to others, but it really is to ourselves? The gift of giving the gifts we were given and finally seeing those things and being willing to give them. Then through giving of them, we are also receiving. Receiving what is already within us but feeling it. Maybe feeling the confidence, peace, connection we already posses, but through giving we can finally receive it from ourselves. It made me think of getting is from others, but receiving is from within. Just some thoughts I am processing through and thought I would throw them out there.

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it's really an endless chain of giving and receiving.

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I loved those words, too, Rachel! Focusing on the offering stood out to me and hit me so good, and then calling it a perspective shift! Thanks Ellen!!!

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Feb 17Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

Thank you so much for sharing that vulnerability spiral that can happen to all of us. Repeating what everyone has said. I absolutely appreciate hearing that even you, who so many of us look up to, feel that way. I also was having hesitation about coming as I'm up in Maine, however it's April vacation and it looks like it's now filled with accepted college visits with my son. So although I won't be there physically my heart will be with all of you. I still look forward to one of these events sometime. Egads, maybe in October when he's off in college and my life shifts a lot with having him gone! So much love to you and all of the ladies here who are going through that same feeling of being afraid to fail and holding ourselves back.

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I am moved deeply by your comment, Mary. To read your words makes me feel less alone. I am doing college visits next week with Avery (she is a junior but still, it's hitting me!) I love that these life transitions and changes can be shared here in the treehouse. Thank you for being here and I look forward to one day giving you a big hug.

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Feb 17Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

My heart and mind expanded when I read this post. “Nothing is lacking.” I will put that on the wall in my kitchen, to remind me of abundance and freedom and challenge the scarcity and fear.

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Your response gives me such peace. Thank you for taking time to let me know you are here with us.

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I wish I didn’t live so far away! If I was closer I would definitely be there on your retreat. It would be just what I need right now. I am battling my scarcity mindset at the moment. I am leaving my corporate job and trying to figure out what I am going to do next. After working with a career coach for months, we figured out that what I most want to do is tell the story of my illness to others, and share the things I have changed that have helped me to feel better. I have always suffered from chronic migraine….over 25 years I have tried everything to avoid taking preventative medication that would leave me groggy and unable to engage fully in life. I changed my lifestyle completely - the way I ate, the way I exercised, the way I socialised, and now I have identified my career as a huge contributor to my stress so that is coming to an end too. I want to show people with chronic pain conditions that there may be another way, but a voice in my head says ‘you are not a doctor, you have no business telling people how to manage their health.’ So I am having trouble getting started. I’ve been using art as self help all my life. During the pandemic I set up an Etsy shop to enable me to make more things for people, and I have learned so much from this experience. I would dearly love for this to be my new day job but unfortunately I can’t see a way to scale it to the level where it would pay my bills. It’s just pocket money. So yes - I do need to change my mindset in order to get a business model around helping migraineurs off the ground. And my Etsy shop has been the best art therapy for me. It helped me through grief when my mum died, and it helps to remind me that I can do things on my own. I can make a thing, sell a thing, and receive feedback that confirms that thing made someone happy, and that’s good to know. Sending love to you all. Xxx

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I read your beautiful comment and I see so many SEEDS being planted right now.... growing these seeds takes time but the fact you have figured out what you feel called to do and share is HUGE! I think that is often the hardest part. And clearly, you are so passionate about helping people who are suffering in a way that you understand personally! In many ways, that is even more valuable than what a dr can offer. I know Avery would tell you some of the best guidance she received throughout her scoliosis journey was from people who had lived it. Please know my family is encouraging you in this endeavor. Please do keep us posted. You are on your way.

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Jan I am in the same boat as you. After leaving my job and being on disability due to a chronic illness that hit me out of nowhere, I am now trying to navigate what my newness will be. I too feel called to share my journey to help others. Thank you for your openness! That I feel is the start. I can't wait to support each other more through this community and hear your journey!

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Cory thank you for your comment! It means a lot to know someone understands this feeling of a calling. It has to be what life is really about? Going through tough times and sharing what we learned? I’m excited for you and I’m also sorry that you have gone through this time of illness. But it made us a lot stronger I think? I wish you the best of luck taking this forward and please feel free to get in touch any time. ❤️

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Feb 17Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

Rachel, as I started reading your post I realized I was literally holding my breath. I have been wanting to attend one of your retreats for the last few years (basically since you started), but have never been able to justify spending the money on myself. I have been struggling in some areas of my life for awhile now and just this week I decided that the retreat in MA was too good an opportunity to pass up, especially since it is within driving distance. My fear as I scanned the article was that you were cancelling it and I started to panic! Thank you for being so vulnerable and giving me the final push to get registered. I’m going to do it right now and then come back to reread the whole article slowly and calmly!!

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Jill, this response (and action) are better than anything I could have dreamed happening as a result of sharing my feelings about the retreat! To know that being open made space for you to step forward in courage and love makes me SOOO happy. I literally screamed "eeeeek!!!" when I read that you are coming to Kripalu and joining in this VERY special group! There is so much goodness ahead, I can just feel it. Thank you for showing up bravely, boldly, flawed and full of hope. We got each other!

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Feb 17Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

I'm officially registered and I can't wait for all of it...the connecting, the art therapy, the no judgement zone! Thank you for so graciously offering up your gifts!

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"Good things grow in small numbers."

You're absolutely right!! Good things do grow in small numbers. I've wrestled with similar feelings after my book launch having sold only nine copies so far. It's like after all of the promotion, and all of those things. After so many people promised that they'd buy a copy, and then the time came and those promises turned into dandelion dust. But I still remain hopeful!

But you know what? Dandelions are associated with change and rejuvenation. Dandelions go through a spectacular transition from vivid yellow blossoms to vulnerable, wispy seed heads. This metamorphosis depicts personal development, change, and the power of transformation. Accepting the dandelion meaning in this context might motivate us to break old patterns, welcome new beginnings, and believe in our potential to grow. The good thing about broken promises, or "dandelion dust" as I'll now call them, is no matter what the wind brings or takes away, the fleshy tap root stays intact and allows the plant to survive drought and regrow readily.

So when things get a little wispy, just remember you're rooted and will survive. As authors, numbers are nothing more than seeds, and I am so glad that your words have taken root in my life (vice versa).

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Dear Sienna, I love your reframe of "broken promises" to "dandelion dust" and the symbolic meaning you share here. Your poetry book is so beautiful, Sienna. It is a work of heart. On page 8, I highlighted this:

"I have found that we are not the destination for inspiration.

We are only a vessel through which it passes.

Create what you can, while inspiration is still.

We don't keep it or send it back.

We readdress it out to the unknown--and that is our only job.

Completed inspiration will find who it shall."

This feels so relevant to what so many of the creators and artists and makers in this community are navigating right now. Thank you for offering your gift. I feel so fortunate to have purchased a copy and have your words at my fingertips.

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Simply beautiful! Maybe this is why I loved photographing them at different times of the year!

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Feb 17·edited Feb 17Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

Thank you for your beautiful inspiring post…your heart poured out uninhibited…in a way that can be scary for a lot of us…because we are fearful how we will be received. This post made my day and lifted me! I tell my kids several times a week…we are here to lift each other up and for them to try it the next time they talk with their friends/family. I ask them to notice what they like about them, notice why they make them feel good and TELL them. I haven’t met you yet but feel you are a friend I will meet someday at one of your retreats. Thank you for lifting me up over the years with your wisdom and kindness.

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Oh Julie. The guidance and encouragement you give your children is BEAUTIFUL, even life-saving. Thank you for sharing it here in your words. I am tucking this away and will use it with those I encounter today. I look forward to hugging you in person one day, friend. Thank you for lifting ME up today.

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Feb 16Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

I am so excited for you! It is gonna be a great weekend! I wish I could be there too.

Maybe I will schedule my own art event. I used to host an art/craft day for my friends every couple months, I have been getting nudges to do it again, maybe this is the time.

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I love that you hosted an art/craft day for your friends! I can only imagine the joy of that experience for both you and the recipients of your gifts. Let us know if you follow that nudge!

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Feb 17Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

And reflecting all those who have also shared the scarcity mindset. I understand. I'm at a big changing point with my only leaving for college this fall, and being a single mom, and trying to balance being here for him but finding something that fills my soul. So trying to decide if holding tight in a current situation makes sense or jumping at a new job when I feel like the timing is so hard.

I will also miss this weekend's gathering. I'm taking some self-care with a new partner and getting away for a birthday weekend. So nice to feel love again!

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Ooooh a birthday getaway sounds lovely! Happy birthday to you, dear Mary. And just to clarify, the Zoom gathering is Sunday, Feb 25th (not tomorrow). I gave a little more advance notice than usual. Not sure if you are out of town this weekend or next, but have the BEST time!!!!

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Feb 25Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

I’m a paid subscriber but not sure how we find out about the zoom calls or get the link. It’s 2/25 and read in your last FB post letter 4 there is a call today. More details please.

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Hi Jelene, the Zoom link and meeting information was at the bottom of the Loose-Leaf Letter #4 that you read. Perhaps you didn't scroll down far enough. You can re-check that or you can check your email inbox. I just sent the Zoom link information out again to all my paid subscribers. The gathering is at 8pm Eastern tonight, Feb 25. If you have any problems, feel free to let me know! Thank you for your support!

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Feb 18Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

What a wonderful post - “nothing is lacking” - so, so true!

Sunday 25th Feb at 8pm Eastern becomes midday Monday 26th Feb in my world - there is a very good chance I will be able to join the next Zoom gathering :)

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Yay!!! I hope to see you then! This makes me so happy!

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Feb 18Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

Stumbling over words and feelings today so I’m just leaving this right here. ❤️❤️❤️❤️🍀🍀🍀🍀 you have got this! Your message is so important. You are so inviting. This will be amazing in whatever form it takes.

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You are simply the best. No matter what you write to me in response to my vulnerable posts, it’s always just perfect for my heart.

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