When I left my job a couple of weeks ago, my colleagues gave me £350 and a huge bouquet of flowers. I was a little surprised as so many emails are circulated when someone leaves and I assumed most people either ignore it or just sign the card. I immediately started planning all the things we need in my head. Maybe that rug that I wanted for the living room. Maybe a new outdoor chair. Maybe I could get supermarket vouchers and pay for shopping for the next few weeks…..My husband reminded me that the money is for me. Not for us, not for the kids. For me. I thought long and hard about it. I remember someone telling me that experiences are more memorable than things (although in the case of your bird feeder Rachel I don’t think that is true - I get so much joy from watching the birds in my garden). I had a look online. There is a music festival taking place at a castle (I’m in Scotland and yes- it’s quite normal here for this type of event to take place in the grounds of a castle 😂). It’s an 80 rewind festival. The headlining act is Billy Ocean! Other acts include Tiffany - remember her? I think we’re alone now….there doesn’t seem to be anyone around….🎶🎶🎶🎤🎤 Just thinking about it made me feel like I was 12 years old again. I bought tickets for me and my family and it’s now on the calendar. I get to see my childhood favourites that I didn’t get to see when I was a child! I honestly can’t think of a better way to spend the money. I can’t believe I nearly bought Tesco vouchers with it! It’s something to look forward to and I can’t wait.

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There are so many things I love about this, Jan! 1) using the gift money to buy music tickets (that is SOOO ME) 2) the fact that your husband encouraged you to use the gift for something that YOU want 3) the excitement you are feeling in the anticipation of the experience! This makes the gift last longer, I think - and then to have the memories afterwards. Oh my heart is so happy for you! I used to blast "I Think We're Alone Now" in my childhood basement and sing at the top of my lungs! 😂 I also loved Caribbean Queen by Billy Ocean!!!

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Thank you, it is exciting! Totally agree, it does make it last longer. I hope the birds find your new feeder soon.

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May 20Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

I absolutely Love the fact that your husband knew you would spend it on the family and insisted you spend it on YOU. This is lovely. I blared Tiffany in my front yard, backyard and bedroom many times in my childhood. Love This gift!!!!!

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I cannot wait for the music festival for your family, this is priceless Jan and you are so worthy of this wonderful 🥰

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I LOVE this!

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May 17Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

Honestly, I think my recent gift was the trip to Kripalu. I think so often we don’t buy ourselves those gifts that are really calling us because we are worried about if we are worthy, if we can afford it or the time and putting other things and other people first. I’m going to say it again, and likely again and again… 😊 you have to pause and listen to your heart. When you feel it in your heart, it’s likely a gift that is meant for you and going to just keep on giving. It was such a special weekend with so many amazing people and memories were made that will be with me forever. I nudged my soul sister to come along and we were both gifted a weekend full of laughter, love, and even some tears. We couldn’t help, but Soul Shift! Thank you Rachel for providing that opportunity for all of us! That was just the first thing that came to mind. The second thing was an acoustic electric guitar that I bought myself for Christmas as a single mama a few years back. Now to gift myself practice time! 😊🤞

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I will be forever grateful that you reached out to me in January and offered to bring your art gifts to my Soul Shift program. I recognized that immediately as a brave step and am so glad my heart urged me to step forward and get to know you. Uniting our gifts at Kripalu was an unforgettable experience for me too. I love your encouragement to those reading to pause and listen to those persistent heart nudges. They do not steer us wrong, do they? My hand in yours.

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May 17Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

I love hearing about your experience, ARTuition! In my heart, I feel a nudge to accompany Rachel and her community next year, but I am terrified I won't be able to afford it. That's honesty my biggest setback. Your comment - "we are worried about if we are worthy, if we can afford it or the time and putting other things and other people first" - really struck me. I realize I need to chew on this some more and maybe trust that things will fall into place for me. Thank you for that intuitive nudge. :)

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I love this idea. I do believe that when we focus on things with an open, curious, heart the path is lit up for us! When I let go of worry and overthinking I can see clearer and magic unfolds where obstacles once were.

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I appreciate your statement that: "I think so often we don’t buy ourselves those gifts that are really calling us because we are worried about if we are worthy, if we can afford it or the time and putting other things and other people first." It is like you took this right out of my head!!! Thank you for your honesty, vulnerability to state this out loud. This is something I continue to work on and my mantra is: I am worthy of monetarily investing in myself.

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The gift that keeps giving to our worthy selves, yes ❤️❤️❤️

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May 18Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

I so loved reading this essay, and can’t wait to try a Mom-osa!!!

My husband is not a gifts person- he doesn’t like to receive them or to give them- both stress him out! Over the years he has gifted me an iron, a vacuum, and clothes that I wouldn’t wear 🤣 (his love language is more acts of kindness- he makes me coffee every morning and does other things that make my life easier:) Once I realized that this is a source of stress for him, I’ve taken to telling him exactly what I’d like, and wouldn’t otherwise buy for myself. That’s where I came across this incredible facial oil that my favorite little shop makes. It was $50, so I’d never buy it for myself, but I knew I’d love it, and they included a sample for me in with soaps I bought recently. Before Christmas, I told him (sent him links) of what I was wishing for. He ordered it, and it came in time- he said he was glad to pay the $8 shipping to not have to drive there (the store is an hour away- in Madison!) Every morning and evening I get to apply my facial oil, breathe in the beautiful scent, and feel loved, by both him and myself!

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I feel so special that you let me use your luxurious oil when we were in MA! It really did feel and smell heavenly. Thank you for taking time to share this wonderful story here about how you help your husband love you by "your book".

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Carrie I love you named and claimed what you wanted and are worthy of for yourself sweet self. Every time I put on that lovely oil you are Loving yourself Most❤️

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YES! I feel that!!!?

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No question mark was supposed to be on the end of that sentence 🤣🤣🤣

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May 19Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

This post was a beautiful read. The gift I gave myself was a hydrangea bush to plant in our yard a few weeks ago. I grew up in Rhode Island where hydrangeas bloom in most front yards there. Now that I live in Southern California hydrangeas are not as common and much more expensive to buy. I am not a risk taker. I debated for over 10 minutes if I wanted to take a chance and plant one for the first time. I am so glad that I bought it. Every time I look at the hydrangeas it brings back wonderful memories of growing up in Rhode Island and vacationing on Cape Cod. It is doing well so far with many blooms.

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I love this, Missy! Thank you for sharing this beautiful risk you took and the gorgeous result.

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May 19Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

I’m still learning how to do this for myself; give myself the gift of peace, relaxation even. I spend my days taking care of everyone around me that I don’t even see the importance of taking care of myself at all. This could be just taking an hour at least to just do something for me. Rather if it’s just going to the gym or somewhere and not think that everything will fall apart if I’m not overworking myself every minute of the day. I’m still learning how to take a step back and just breathe while enjoying my moments of rest. I’m not perfect, but I’m finally in a place in my life, at 26 years old, where I can tell myself it’s okay to lay down(metaphorically or literally) and just breathe to take in what’s around you and relax. Notice birds singing, take a walk, resting fully. This is the best gift I could give to myself that I’m still learning to do; the gift of giving myself rest. Both emotionally and physically. I’m learning that it’s more than okay to do that for myself.

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You have an amazing awareness, Jennifer! I am so glad you have recognized the importance of true rest and how to make it a priority in your life. This is going to add years - not to mention joy - to your life!!!

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Keep up this practice! You do deserve your self care routine. We cannot fully tend to others when we are depleted. Self care is not selfish, it is survival and soul nourishing. Never doubt your worthiness to take care of your needs.

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May 19·edited May 20Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

I love this essay! While I have a serious bird phobia and cannot relate to the specific gift, I LOVE you knowing yourself and asking for what you truly wanted! My most recent gift to myself was just today-concert tickets for myself and my daughter. A band I love, Need to Breathe, will be in concert an hour away next week. 2 of my closest friends weren’t available, and I just assumed my daughter wouldn’t want to go after starting her summer babysitting that day. I mentioned it today, and she jumped at the invitation! I am SO looking forward to a great night of music, especially with my girl-I am soaking up time with her after her freshman year of college. I’m so thankful I had the nudge to ask her and she proved my assumptions wrong. Thank you for leading us in loving and listening to ourselves dear Rachel!

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I have seen Need to Breathe in concert SEVERAL times and they are AMAZING. They are the type of band that sound even BETTER live and they give you chill bumps from head to toe. I love that you are going to experience this with your daughter. Good for you for asking! The heart always knows!!!!

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May 24Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

You nailed it, they definitely gave us goosebumps all over-the words about the songs were as beautiful as the songs themselves! And I thought of you when Judah & The Lion sang Long Dark Night. I hated missing the last Tree House gathering after a similar sort of night, but the sun has been shining brighter and I will catch the next one! Ever grateful for this community you’ve built ❤️

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That is my favorite song on their new album!!! I’m so glad you had such an uplifting experience at the concert!!

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Love this soooo much ❤️Megan

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May 18Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

I’m so happy you got your feeder. And they will come! I remember when I put my first feeder out and waited. I still get just as excited when the different birds come. And recently out my hummingbird feeder back out since they’ve been seen in my area. Those little guys bring me so much joy throughout the summer. Enjoy your gift…it’ll keep on giving! And enjoy your space your created…that’s where I go when I need peace or inner quiet. The birds, being outdoors and the nature surrounding me…it’s all a gift! Thanks for sharing!!💗🦜

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Thank you, love! You and your family continue to be in my prayers.

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May 17Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

I have loved your writing for years. I read your last post about the Sumo oranges and thought - oh, I should tell Rachel I just discovered them by mistake this year also and think they are the most amazing treat (I actually have 2 left!). But after today's post, I had to let you know that I feel such a connection with you. Like you, I absolutely adore the mourning doves - we have them nesting in a basket right outside our living room window (the current babies are about ready to leave). They come back year after year, and I can't even begin to tell you the peace and joy they bring me. They are the sweetest, most dedicated birds. I find myself talking to them all day. Thank you for always being so open and honest, your writing it truly a gift to me.

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Reading this comment makes me breathe easier. To know there is a kindred soul on the receiving end of my words is a tremendous gift. I love that you found the sweetest oranges (by mistake which is even better) and a pair of mourning dove chose you as their safe haven too! Thank you for making me smile so big this morning.

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Rachel’s writing is pure breath for me too❤️

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May 17Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

I've given myself a few gifts recently! One special perfume that has been discontinued and was on the pricier side, but it's my favorite; a couple items from Happy Earth (where I got to plant 15 trees with my order); and some Pride accessories because I am finally coming into acceptance of my orientation and feelings 🏳️‍🌈

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These gifts so beautifully represent the gift of INNER PEACE, Kimberly, and in order to gift them, you had to know yourself by listening and honoring what you heard. This is beautiful, and I am so happy for you.

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May 17Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

You've held my hand through so much over the years and I cannot express the gratitude I have in my heart for you. I so appreciate you being there for me in this part of my self-acceptance and discovery as well 🥹

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Being part of another human being’s process or self-acceptance ranks right up there with the gift of inner peace. To know you have felt my hand throughout means more than I can ever say. 🤝❤️

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May 19Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

I don't have a big comment, or even a reply to a question, but I wanted to tell you I saw the first monarch butterfly of the year today, and yesterday I saw an indigo bunting fly by while on a picnic with a friend under a big oak tree. So, there you are.

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This is beautiful, Sara!

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Doesn't it make your heart skip a beat and your soul shine from within when you see those beautiful creatures for the first time each year? I love this!!!!!

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May 17Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

At a time in my life when I am attempting to find myself again, this was what I needed to read. I keep waiting for some amazing realization to transform me. I am ready to just be and accept what is.

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This is a powerful self-permission, dear Marina. Taking the pressure off ourselves is often when we find the clues we have been looking for. Please feel free to keep us updated on any clues you discover. Even the smallest ones are significant.

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Hugs for the process 🤗Marina

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May 17·edited May 17Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

Hi Rachel,

Happy belated Mother's Day. I don't know why, but there are many uncanny similarities between what uplifts and speaks to your soul, and what uplifts and speaks to mine.

I have been a bird lover for several years. About four years ago, I subscribed to Bird Watcher's Digest but couldn't keep up with the periodical. I own three different bird identification books: one general sort of "bible" that overviews the most common birds across the world; another specific to North America; and still another specific to Indiana!

Ben bought me binoculars during the first few years of our marriage for bird watching.

I have many bird stories. I'll share a couple with you here, lest I become too loquacious (as is my nature, which I'm sure you know by now).

About five years ago, Felicity and I left the house and stepped in to the van. But suddenly, Felicity paused and yelped, "Mom, wait! Don't move yet. There's a little bird right here." She pointed under the passenger wheel. It was a fledgling, still fuzzy and very tiny. I was afraid it would be crushed, so I tried to figure out how to nudge it away from the vehicle toward safety. I'd never seen a bird like this in my life. It was bright green with an orange stripe on the top of his head. His little eyes were widened, his chest heaving. He seemed terrified, so I didn't want to come close. This was in April or May, so I wondered if he was a migratory bird. When I searched in my bird book, I identified him as an orange-crested warbler, and it seemed, based on migratory patterns, he was, indeed, traveling with his family across the state.

We were going to be late, but I didn't care. I couldn't leave knowing this delicate creature might not make it. And what a sight to behold! I felt privileged to witness such beauty, such a rare bird here in northern Indiana. So I stepped toward him and clucked my tongue. He hopped a few steps but wouldn't budge. I went back inside to see what I could do that wouldn't traumatize him, and when I returned the little guy was gone! He must have found his wings, spread them, and flew away. I exhaled in relief.

The birds that speak most powerful to me now are falcons. I spot red-tailed hawks all the time, even when other people are present and have no idea what I'm talking about. Just yesterday, I caught sight of one swooping across the school parking lot as I waited for the girls' dismissal. Not long ago, a hawk was perched atop our recycling bin, which is on the edge of our garage, and he didn't seem intimidated by us humans walking past. I thought maybe he was hunting for his lunch. He swept from the bin to our SUV to an evergreen bush on the side of the house. Eventually, he went elsewhere.

Hawks, I discovered, symbolize sacredness and power to the Cherokee tribe. It means the spiritual realm is communicating about vision and guidance from above. For some reason, every time I see a red-tailed hawk now, I remember this. And I often spot them when I am in an especially low place emotionally, or when I am doubting my gifts.

Finally, my husband made me a wooden bird feeder for Mother's Day last year! He is a fantastic woodworker and crafts a few odds and ends for the house and garden. (His "real" job is a materials engineer.) The portion of the feeder that holds the bird seed is an empty, upside-down wine bottle (I love dry red wine, too). He secured it outside the window that overlooks the desk where I write. I have observed American goldfinches, all sorts of wrens and sparrows, robins and cardinals, wood thrushes, and Eastern starlings feeding at the base. And it gives me such joy that we can provide nourishment to our little feathered friends with whom we share our property.

P.S. If I have the money, I will definitely join you next year, Rachel. I love to travel and miss it so much.

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I read your comment yesterday and knew that I would come back this morning when the house was quiet (and my brain was quieter) to soak up your beautiful story and offerings. I don't think I have ever met anyone who gifts knowledge while sharing a story the way you do. I always learn SOMETHING when I read your comments. Even on my notes, you leave little masterpieces that expand my mind as well as my heart. You have a real gift, Jeannie, and the fact that you share it here in the treehouse feels miraculous to me. I love the story of the little bird that just needed a little extra time to fly and you gave that to them. I just love your heart.

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Rachel, your thoughtful and carefully curated responses ignite the quiet embers of my heart. I glean clarity from your feedback about the gifts I have to offer the world, that maybe I can be a torch that lights the way for others, too. Thank you for that. I love the synergistic way this happens.

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May 21Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

I am beginning to get the courage to celebrate my worthiness. My inner child is always close and I have a natural affinity with children. It has been the greatest gift in my life that no matter where I go a child will interact with me without invitation. I’m an old lady of 66 yrs but I still know my childhood self and have kept her a secret. Anyway my first real gift I gave myself a month ago was an 4 hour Art workshop that was 2 hours away. I asked my friend to join me as we are totally fun together. We had a blast!! The driving was easy with constant chatting and tears of laughter. We splashed our paint with abandon and used heaps of bright colour. The facilitator was wonderful and it has helped me since then to decide to be a little more generous to myself. I am worthy. Thankyou so much Rachel. I’d love to attend your gatherings but I’m in Australia and it’s not an option for me. I take many of your words in my heart with me on my daily walk. 🤗

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I love this, Alison! To be a magnet to children means you exude warmth and a genuine interest in them. I love that you nurture your own inner child by saying YES to the delights of your heart.

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May 20Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

There is so much that puts the biggest smile on my face as I read and hold your words close love. The process, the path to noticing, naming and claiming your Mother’s Day gift may indeed may be better than the actual gift.. I love this reflection of re-remembering who you are, the journey home to ourselves is precious and imperfectly perfect as we arrive softened and ready to welcome ourselves as is. Beginning the adventure to find your bird feeder with a Mom-mosa, a celebration of you is priceless. I imagine it was so pretty and icy and delicious, all things to delight you on your day. I don’t think there is anything better than sharing our authentic selves and then being seen in this light. What makes our hearts go blink-blink begins the sacred way and having our loved ones as companions on this journey only multiplies the joy! This Knowingness we dare to cultivate in gentle excavation of ourselves helps others grant us our heart’s desire. This year I too spoke aloud my wishes and wow to be seen and heard as worthy of my wants I believe was truly my greatest gift this Mother's Day.

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I felt your hand in mine on Mother's Day because I knew we were both honoring our wish to be known and loved just as we are. Thank you for sharing this journey with me. It is so wonderful to have someone who truly understands the magnitude of even the smallest reclamations.

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May 18Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

Thank you, I needed this.

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May 17Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

That sounds magical! Especially the waterfall! 😍

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