Apr 5·edited Apr 5Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

Dear Rachel,

I have been thinking about you this week. I have a one-line-a-day journal, and I noticed a year ago was your book launch. I was so thrilled to receive an ARC for Soul Shift.

The thing about it is, your words are timeless.

As a fellow writer and highly sensitive person, I understand the toll it takes when you're traveling and listening to people's heart-rending stories and you want to give the entire world a hug and a makeover.

Sometimes carrying all of that just gets too heavy.

I was a high school counselor once, before I became a writer. I remember sitting in my on-site supervisor's office working on my thesis, and she opened up to me about how demanding her job was - but how lucrative the pay was (she was treated and paid as a school administrator).

Every day she came to work crying, because she never saw her two young boys, never was home in the evenings, didn't get to see friends often, and was on the brink of a divorce.

I glanced at the photo of Ben and me - we were newlyweds then, just starting our life together - and I silently committed to not allowing any career to steal my joy or my life. Or my relationships.

Now I'm in a season in which my body and mind require an immense amount of rest. I grow discouraged, because my heart wants to do all these great things! But I can't. I have degenerative disc disease in my lower back, two autoimmune conditions, and, well, I'm just worn out.

So the last year or so, especially after reading your book, I chose to slow down and give my mind and body what they needed. Some think what I do is indulgent, because I focus on avoiding certain triggering foods and substances, walk my dog almost every day, lift weights three times a week, get a monthly massage and quarterly facial, go to dinner with a friend or two every month. I read a lot. I write prolifically.

But I'm doing it to restore myself. I'm doing it so that I can be prepared for whatever is coming next in my life, so that I can appreciate each moment and love my kids from a place of harmony and gratitude rather than a frenzied and frazzled chaos.

That's what your post reminded me of today, all of what I just wrote. I'm sorry it's so long. There's just so much to say. Thanks for listening. I am grateful for you, every day. ❤️

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Jeannie, this comment is a mini masterpiece. Thank you for validating my feelings/experience and expanding so beautifully on how you are pushing back on societal expectations in order to take care of yourself. I love how you mentioned that this approach is helping you love your kids from a place of "harmony and gratitude rather than a frenzied and frazzled state". YES! My older daughter is going through quite an adverse situation right now, and I am finding that I am PEACE in the CHAOS for her, and that is because I am taking better care of me. Thank you for being with me through the launch - virtually and in person. I will never forget how far you traveled on a busy week night to be there for me.

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It was totally worth it and I'd do it all over again, Rachel.

Your example honestly has taught me more about what it means to be a good mom - and a good human - than I learned growing up. I love my mom fiercely, but my grandmother died when my mom was 12, and she just wasn't equipped with the skills to know how to have a nurturing mother-daughter relationship.

So it's women like you who mentor me in this walk of motherhood, even from afar, even when you don't realize it.

You are a gift, Rachel! Thank you for being you and for sharing space and time with me today. ❤️

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Apr 5·edited Apr 5Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

Rachel, I am so happy to hear about your journey towards true "success." I was reading the Almanack of Naval Ravikant the other day, and he writes "All real success is internal and has very little to do with external circumstances." What a mind job that phrase can be if we really internalize it. We live in a society and a system that puts value on accomplishments and reaching external benchmarks. You decided to prioritize your own internal wellbeing, and I love that so much. I almost feel like doing exactly what we want in life can be such a curse because many times we love doing what we do so much that we sacrifice everything for more success. Idk if that makes sense, I hope it did. I'm really happy I found you here on Substack.

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"I almost feel like doing exactly what we want in life can be such a curse because many times we love doing what we do so much that we sacrifice everything for more success."

YES!!! Oh my goodness, this is definitely when it gets tricky!! I remembering looking up one day and saying, "Wait... how did my writing hobby (that I LOVED to since the age of 8) become so stressful and soul-sucking???" And your statement offers the WHY.... thank you for helping me continue to connect dots and prioritize my internal wellbeing.

PS That quote you shared is going on my cork board!!! I have NEVER heard success be described this way and it's incredibly enlightening.

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Rachel, I swear that book by Naval is SO GOOD. I have never highlighted a book so much in my life. You might enjoy reading it if you have some extra time. He says so many great things about happiness and success and keeping things in perspective. My goal for the rest of my writing career is to keep it fun and organic. Will be battling my ego the whole time. I'm in for a fight, but luckily I got a bit of experience to help. Cheers Rachel. You're awesome.

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Apr 5Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

I am so grateful for your writing. So often I feel like you are speaking to me. I think there are so many of us trying to live an authentic life but feeling as though we are failing. You are a beacon in the darkness. Thank you for lighting my way.

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Joan, thank you for saying this to me. I am holding this encouragement close to my heart today and taking a big exhale. My hand in yours.

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Apr 7Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

Thanks so much for all of your words of encouragement. I have been reading your encouragement for years and feel even more connection as our kids are the same ages. As I read this post I kept thinking of the book I am reading. It is likely one you know, but if not, I highly recommend it as it explains our sensitive souls in a way that helps with self acceptance. Your book and this one are sitting next to each other and have both been wonderful resources. The Highly Sensitive Person by Elaine Aron.

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You won’t believe this but I ordered this book today!!! This feels like such a beautiful confirmation of where my inner guidance is taking me. Thank you so much for this lovely message. It fills my deep feeling ❤️ .

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Apr 6Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

I LOVE this essay because it speaks to every cell in my being. Thank you, dearest Rachel ♥️ I recently celebrated my one-year anniversary off social media. I’m doing the final revisions of my 4th book which is a marriage memoir. I’ve decided not to go with Hay House (India) which published two of my books. Instead I’m choosing to self-publish in order to have full creative control and time freedom. Not that I’ve done a single book launch. But it’s time to say goodbye to the need for validation from an agent/publisher!

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This is so exciting and soooo inspiring!!! I’ll be the first to order your book when it comes available. I love your writing so much.

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That means the world to me ♥️

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Apr 5Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

SO proud of you! What a gift to yourself and your family to have figured this out. Makes the journey and any upcoming projects seem exciting, rather than daunting. Love you!

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Thank you, Carrie. Your encouragement along the way to take care of ME helps so much. I will never forget the beautiful little notes you mailed me leading up to the launch that reminded me I AM ENOUGH NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS. You were right. Love you so.

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I'm going to quote it wrong but...numbers are kryptonite for sensitive. Your mouth dropped open...and my eyes popped open wide as wide could be. That line alone in this beautiful, soulful and inspiring post just cracked me open...just as your book did a year ago.

I have felt stuck lately. As I packed my bags for vacation last week and chose which books to bring I saw "Soul Shift." I stopped. I paused. I smiled. A tear came to my eye. And I thought, "The last time my feelings and thoughts flowed clearly was when I read that book. I miss how I felt when I read it."

Thank you for Soul Shift. And thank you for this post. It has given me great pause, "I am not made for this job" has given me some much needed clarity and unstuckedness.

If one can measure a book launch by lives touched, you've succeeded. Xoxo

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Love, love, love this! So aligned with me, my values and what I want to inspire and teach others All of it, but these lines are truly words to live by (thank you Dreamer Girl):

“Rest when you’re tired.

Eat when you’re hungry.

Cry when you’re sad.

Write when you’re inspired.

Live life when you aren’t; trust the words will come.”

Trust that we can create, achieve, manifest while being supported in our true natures.....

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Thanks for these words! I screenshots the exact words you quotes because they felt so true to my values and my authenticity too! I love your last line. This is the belief I am trying to hold true as I open myself up more to what my heart desires. If I want something, that is why I choose to do it. If others want or need it, it will find its way. This is something my brain, body, and I are working through together!

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Thank you always for your openness and honesty. It touches my soul and helps.

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I have been a social worker working in community mental health the past 3 1/2 years. Over the past 6 months I kept getting pushed to do more, show quantitative results which doesn't translate to changing people's lives. I went into a meeting two weeks ago and was told how much more I need to do because what shows in a report doesn't make sense. During the conversation, it became clear they've never really looked at what I've done, just numbers. My body is tired, I'm not a machine, I'm not a robot. I give and I give and I give, but it would never be enough. I opted to quit that day, not immediately, but with a plan to leave at the end of the month. I accepted a job somewhere else that values people over numbers. I can't stop thinking about how what I valued got lost over time, and now it's time for me to reclaim it, to be the social worker that I am, to know there's value, trust, and growth that doesn't get captured in an excel spreadsheet. I'm shifting how I pursue this next opportunity, giving my energy, but not forsaking myself. I can't help others if I'm falling apart (and showing numbers means nothing if the people behind them are falling apart).

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I am a Pisces, a true water girl. It definitely speaks to me! Your words took me too so many places and so many places that I needed to revisit. I love the word reclamation. It is going on my wall now! I love how our kiddos can be a mirror for us and how important that mirror can be in helping us to care for our own inner child once the awareness hits. I, also, have a sensitive child who has had his struggles, too. He truly has me wrapped around his heart and has taught me so much and continues to every single day! He is sensitive and so so strong! Maybe they will meet some day! I cannot wait to spend the weekend with you and everyone who is joining us! 💕

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I have always loved that song and it, of course, came at a perfect time!

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As I now begin writing and sharing my photography more, I am on a journey of learning how to do so with honoring myself in what I truly believe... this is for me. What comes of it will come, but this is my joy, my truth and if it connects with others and has impact that is a bonus. Thank you for this beautiful, honest piece that I think connects to my heart so purely. May we continue to hold each other up in our hearts of knowing, we are worthy of everything we need, nobody else gets to decide that. Keep doing for you Rachel because you deserve it!

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I love this so much! Cool Change has been one of my favorite songs since I was a young teen (I was born in 1964 and it came out in 1979). Years later I learned that it was an Austrailan term describing a weather event where, after a period of intense heat, a cold front comes in and lowers the temps. How lovely!

I've signed up for the course and am so excited to begin! Thank you for the beauty you bring to the world. I am grateful to have found your work - and you! Your words always speak to my heart and I am grateful for this opportunity. Thank you, too, for making it more affordable by offering a 3-month option. It helps a lot.


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Love this Rachel! Such great advice!I’ve been longing to be by the ocean for a few years now. Have to make it happen.

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