Mar 8Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

Thank you for this today Rachel. I loved hearing your voice share your lesson. I’m going to listen to my heart ❤️

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Thank you for reaching out your hand today. I feel it. Let’s listen to our hearts. ❤️

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Mar 8Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

Our hearts have neurons. We can hear our heart. I love this so much.

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Mar 11Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

Good morning Rachel! I've given much thought to your reply on my comment on the Surviving Sarah post and it made me realize that we are all "walking" each other on our journeys. It never occurred to me that our comments and encouragement to you would have any impact. I was wrong. We are all looking and listening for the positive, encouragement, and hope. I wrote in my planner/journal today "Listen to your heart. It knows the way." I plan to be in the Treehouse on Friday. How can I help you?

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This is the first time anyone has ever asked me that question prior to an online gathering. It stopped me in my tracks and helped me breathe easier. Thank you for being so supportive in a truly genuine way. Your comment touched me. I’ll be looking to your beautiful face on Friday. It is that loving connection - that comes through the screen - that helps me the most. Thank you, dear one.

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Mar 11Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

Gosh, it was wonderful to hear your voice today. I remember this story, but it’s better when you read it. 💜Only love today!

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Mar 11Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

Just another nudge! Why is it so hard to move? I tend to be a person who likes to be able to finish what I start. But many times it prevents me from starting at all because I can't see that I'll be able to complete the task.

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This is good awareness!!! Perhaps telling yourself that it’s more about the experience / process than the outcome could be the shift you need to get started!

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I suggest checking out the work of Jon Acuff. He has several books, but in particular he has a book called "Finish" and his latest book is "All It Takes Is A Goal". He also has a podcast of the same name and has tons of tips and relatable advice that you might find helpful. "Momentum is built from small successes." - Jon Acuff

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I love this.

My heart is hurting right now - my mom passed two and a half weeks ago, and the time I used to spend helping her and visiting her Is empty, leaving me with way too much time on my hands.

I need to fill it intentionally, with things that will lift me up and heal my heart.

Time to pull out my copy of Soul Shift and start working through it again.

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Oh love, I’m so sorry to hear about your mom’s passing. Please accept my heartfelt condolences. Your idea about filling the now empty space / time in your day is very astute. Is there something you always wanted to do but never had the time? Maybe a park or museum or botanical garden? Or perhaps your mom had a love of something you wish to know more about. I’ll just share that walking the shelter dogs has given me a spark to my week that I hadn’t imagined. I look forward to the “dog days” and feel so happy for hours afterwards. Maybe there is a volunteer opportunity that would bring you joy. Keep listening to your heart. It knows the way.

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With deepest sympathy for your loss. The ones we love are always in our hearts.

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Mar 10Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

And thank you also for the timing of the next Treehouse. I can't wait to be there!

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I am so happy this time works out for you, dear Hannah. Thank you for helping me with that.

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Mar 10Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

Thank you so much for this Rachel. I read first, then listened, and tears came to my eyes both times. I know I'm due a change, one I'm quite scared of, although it will be positive, ultimately, I hope. I'm trying to listen to my heart but it is so often drowned out. Hearing your voice was so soothing yet powerful - thank you.

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I am proud of you for listening to your heart and acknowledging that what is needed feels scary. Keep being compassionate towards yourself as you investigate these feelings. There is vital information there. And remember, there is no timeline.

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Mar 8Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

I’m coming up on the one-year anniversary of quitting social media. I’ve read more, walked more, dreamed more, stared at the sky more…I saw more, breathed more mindfully, and poured all my precious energy into my purposeful life 💕 Your voice is like warm honey. Utterly soothing and sacred. Thank you for sharing this wonderful story 🔆♥️🔆

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I can't tell you how inspiring your words are to me. I really love the notion of: "Pouring my precious energy into my purposeful life." This is exactly how I want to live. Thank you for being such a loving companion and encourager.

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I love who you are. And I’m growing to love our connection ❤️

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Mar 8Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

Rachel, just reading about your blood pressure monitoring, I could feel my anxiety rising. I have been one of those people that just thinking about having my blood pressure taken or taking it myself causes me to stress out. Maybe if I had a Natalie holding my hand and looking at me with loving concern, I might be able to get over the panic that a blood pressure cuff activates.

While reading your article I was touched by what has transpired for you since your purchase of your first cuff. Especially when you shared "I'd given away less of my most precious commodities, like time, focus and energy, so ther was plenty for the people I loved." This immediately made me think about a book that I am reading now "Good Boundaries and Goodbyes" by Lysa Terkeurst. There was a paragraph that jumped off the page for me. "The problem wasn't that I had needs and desires that weren't getting met. My friend probably did as well. It wasn't even that we didn't try to talk about each of our needs or desires. The real issue was I started to resent the amount of emotional access to my life I had given to her. If you are a highlighting kind of person, swipe some yellow across that word access. It's a big one. It's especially big if we are knee deep in a close relationship and we start feeling unheard, unsafe, uncared for, taken advantage of, or made to pay consequences for choices that we had no control over."

"People who are irresponsible with our hearts should not be granted great access to our hearts."

~Lysa Terkeurst

As so many of us are "coloring ourselves in", I cannot tell you what a safe place Rachel's Treehouse is. I feel like we are held in a loving space where people are responsible with our hearts and we can feel comfortable allowing more access to our hearts. Thank you so much for creating this loving treehouse.

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WHOA. These are so powerful words you have shared from Lysa's book! Thank you for knowing these words would be so helpful here to me and our community. This part stopped me in my tracks: "The real issue was I started to resent the amount of emotional access to my life I had given to her."

I love that Lysa then expands on the word ACCESS and links that with the heart. It is so perfect for what we are doing here together. Your comments are always so enlightening, dear one. And your encouragement to me always lands just when I need it.

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Rachel, I felt the same way when I read your article. Lysa's ACCESS comment has really gripped my heart. I noticed how often in an effort to be a people pleaser or avoid conflict, or to be more vulnerable, I gave too much access to people who were not capable of holding my heart. I thought that if I shared more with them they would feel safe to be more vulnerable with me. What I ended up learning is what Brene Brown often shares "Not everyone has earned the right to hold our story."

I shared this article with my friend who first used the beautiful visual words "coloring myself in". I told her how excited I was that these words she spoke to me have not only impacted my life but have also rippled out from my heartfelt shares to you and your beautiful community.

As you so beautifully share

"My hand in yours."

We are all walking each other home to re-membering our true divine design before we became conditioned by the world. It is so helpful to have the support of this treehouse group as we are coloring ourselves in.

Sending love and hugs from my heart to yours.❤️

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Mar 8Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

This was beautiful, Rachel. A reminder to let what truly matters guide your life, not all of the peripheral things trying to tug you off course.

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Thank you, Jack! I took a peek at your work and felt incredibly inspired by what I read. Thank you for helping us live with more presence and purpose.

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Thanks so much, Rachel :) appreciate you checking it out

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Mar 8Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

Rachel, the excerpt from Only Love Today warmed my heart, because it brought me back to a very dark time in my life.

Exactly four years ago, I was preparing to give birth to our fifth child. He ended up arriving two weeks early, on March 12, 2020 - the day before the world shut down because of the pandemic. I was already on the brink of a mental health crisis at the time, and being forced into isolation when I'd lined up a babysitter and housecleaner to help me transition after the birth really pummeled my spirits.

I went into the darkest emotional place I've experienced to date.

A good friend of mine from college, Katie, brought me a care package. In it was your book, Only Love Today. I read each section in the thick of night when I was sleep-deprived and up with an infant, staring outside our patio door at an eerily empty street. Everything had halted, but nothing made sense to me. Your words were like a blanket, a balm. I enveloped myself in them and took small steps to ground myself each day. It took time, but your gentle voice was a guide.

I just wanted to thank you for that today. And every day.

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Jeannie, this is one of the most beautiful testaments to the power of words and feeling connection within those words. To know where you were and how you were when my book found you moved me to tears. I am so grateful to Katie for loving you well and bringing you to my life.

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I'm grateful, too, Rachel. Every day. ❤️

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Mar 8Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

I listened to an episode of Mel Robbins' podcast on the #1 journaling exercise. Talk about an eye opener! I realized I'd been lying to myself about not being a morning person, , and that I'd totally bought into the lie. The exercise made me realize I used to be somebody different - an actual morning person! I'm working on getting back to that me.

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This is so interesting, Kathi! I can't wait to hear more about what you discover about your TRUEST self. Grateful to be on this discovery journey with you!

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Mar 8Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

Thank you Rachel

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You make a difference in my life, Rita.

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Mar 8Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

I heard what you said. I really appreciate it. I cried as I heard your voice. Thank you. You yourself transformed my self and together we transformed. Thank you. I am okay. I can rest in that knowing. Sending a big hug and bubble of love. Thank you.

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Wiping away tears that come only with a true sense of belonging. Thank you for this beautiful connection with me.

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Mar 8Liked by Rachel Macy Stafford

I love your voice and your writing and have marked the date and time on my calendar.

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Just knowing I’ll be with you next week at this time in the treehouse gives me something to look forward to. You are so very dear to me.

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I love you. <3

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Samsies. Always.

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